Kratom for Suboxone Withdrawal
Red Jongkong is a powerful pain reliever that has amazing added benefits including mood elevation and euphoria, mild sedation without loss of energy, and improved general wellbeing. This strain also helps to manage PTSD symptoms, stress, anxiety and alcohol or other substance abuse issues.
Chantelle –
This is a very well rounded strain. Good for pain, I could use this strain during the day at work. Keep in mind that with a low doses you are can enjoy pain relief and slight stimulation. Another nice characteristic is that it is a long lasting strain.
AJ Hamilton –
Very powerful strain! Myself and my girlfriend took 2g each after a long night, it took away our headaches as well as offering a really mellow, peaceful buzz lasting for many hours. This is a great strain for pain in general, relaxation and in higher doses can definitely be more sedating. After a long day it can be taken with great results!