White Bali Kratom Capsules and Powder
White Bali Vein Kratom is a kratom strain from Bali and is known for being highly simultaneously, relaxing and uplifting and has the highest amount kratom alkaloids of common strain. The White Bali Vein Kratom is a versatile strain that can improve your overall well-being.
White Bali Kratom is excellent because of its ability to boost mental performance and focus.
LR –
I take about 2g of white Bali in the mornings before work. I don’t take it for pain relief so can’t review the pain relief aspect of it.
* Mood Enhancement / Depression relief: 5/5
* Energy / Focus: 4/5
This is one of my favourite go-to strains to get a groggy mind jump-started for a busy workday with an added bonus of some needed focus and motivation. Even though its a white strain, it does not give me any jitters.
Mike Encarnacoa –
Thanks Lukas, I agree White Bali is the perfect choice for anxiety, energy and depression. A beautiful smooothe strain.
AJ Hamilton –
Great strain! Amazing for motivation and energy. Better than a coffee! I went from feeling lazy, tired and ugh to Talkative! (Very social strain!) And motivated to get lots of stuff done! Really good morning strain and for a “pick me up” I would get this strain again for sure!