KRATOM For South Africa

White Bali Kratom Capsules and Powder

(2 customer reviews)

White Bali Kratom

White Bali Kratom is the best choice for users who want to be more relaxed, stimulated, uplift mood and increase energy. Here is a list of other benefits:

  • Fights fatigue
  • Relieves anxiety
  • Depression relief
  • Increased energy
  • Increased focus




White Bali Kratom Capsules and Powder

White Bali Vein Kratom is a kratom strain from Bali and is known for being highly simultaneously, relaxing and uplifting and has the highest amount kratom alkaloids of common strain. The White Bali Vein Kratom is a versatile strain that can improve your overall well-being.

White Bali Kratom is excellent because of its ability to boost mental performance and focus.

Additional information

Kratom Sizes

20 Capsules, 50 Capsules, 100 Capsules, 200 Capsules, 10g Raw Powder, 25g Raw Powder, 50g Raw Powder, 100g Raw Powder

2 reviews for White Bali Kratom Capsules and Powder

  1. LR

    I take about 2g of white Bali in the mornings before work. I don’t take it for pain relief so can’t review the pain relief aspect of it.
    * Mood Enhancement / Depression relief: 5/5
    * Energy / Focus: 4/5
    This is one of my favourite go-to strains to get a groggy mind jump-started for a busy workday with an added bonus of some needed focus and motivation. Even though its a white strain, it does not give me any jitters.

    • Mike Encarnacoa

      Thanks Lukas, I agree White Bali is the perfect choice for anxiety, energy and depression. A beautiful smooothe strain.

  2. AJ Hamilton

    Great strain! Amazing for motivation and energy. Better than a coffee! I went from feeling lazy, tired and ugh to Talkative! (Very social strain!) And motivated to get lots of stuff done! Really good morning strain and for a “pick me up” I would get this strain again for sure!

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