Red Hulu Kratom, a Suboxone Alternative for Opiod Withdrawal
Red Hulu Kapuas Kratom comes from the regular Mitragyna speciosa tree, however, this particular strain has been engineered to become the well known strain that it is today. Grown predominantly in Indonesia and some other regions around the Borneo Island.
This strain derives its name from the dense forest of Hulu, which is famous for its Kratom production. Kapuas is the river that flows along this forest on the Malaysian border, hence the name “Red Hulu Kapuas Kratom”.
Some of the benefits of Red Hulu Kratom are:
* Anxiety relief
* Stimulating in small doses
* Chronic Pain relief
* Antidepressant
* Muscle relaxant
* Insomnia and sleep aid
* Improved relaxation
* Helps with alcohol and substance withdrawal
AJ Hamilton –
Red Hulu Kratom is amazing for anyone suffering from withdrawals of substance, especially opioids. It has a record for helping people kick the habit of opioid abuse for good, and I am happy to say I am one of them. Red Hulu is a very strong and potent strain.
As well as this it is also fantastic for stress and overall well-being and inducing a social mild euphoria, destroying all forms of anxiety. Another fantastic benefit is the increase of libido. Being a Red strain it is also of course a fantastic natural and healthy painkiller, overall incredible strain and can help for anxiety and or withdrawals. In higher doses it brings on waves of euphoria, this strain is also a long lasting one, lasting 5-6+ hours.
In terms of where this strain actually originates;
‘Red Hulu ‘Kapua’ is a popular kratom strain that is generated from the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa plants grown in the forest of Borneo, the third largest island in the world. Red Hulu is a fairly new addition to the kratom market.’
Doing further research I found Red Hulu contains several active alkaloids that are responsible for its analgesic and mood-enhancing properties. They include all of the following:
– 7-acteoxymitragynine
– Coryantheidin
– Corynoxein
– Corinoxin
– 3-Dehydromitragynine
– Epicatechin
– 3-Isocorynantheidin
– 3-Isopaynanthein
– Isomitraphyllin
– Isospecionoxein
– Isospeciofolin
– Mitraciliatin
– Mitrafolin
– Mitragynalin
– Mitraphylin
– Mitraspecin
– Mitraversin
– Paynanthein
– Speciociliatin
– Speciofolin
– Speciogynin
– Stipulatin
Now with the science part over! From my personal experience this is great for getting clean from pharmaceutical drugs & alcohol as well as an aid for social occasions, especially if you suffer from anxiety. An increase in sex drive was well received by both me and my partner and I felt an overall increase in happiness.
I was extremely thankful to have a supply of organic & potent Red Hulu to help me kick my opioid addiction.
Another blessing with this strain is that my partner found it very helpful in completely taking away her extreme lower back pain that even over the counter painkillers & prescription painkillers could not take away. It helped her get on with her day and go to work pain free.
Red Hulu Qualities I’ve Found:
Painkiller – Muscle Relaxant – Withdrawal Aid – Sleep Aid- Anti-Anxiety – Increase Libido & More!
Dose Guide:
Mild: 1-2 Grams
Moderate: 2-4 Grams
Heavy: 6-8 Grams
In my experience Kratom is best taken in powder form as it acts much faster, kicking in after 15 minutes. Try mixing with fruit juice or water. Or taking a flat teaspoon which is 2g directly in the mouth followed by juice or water. Of course if powder isn’t your thing I’d say go for the capsules!
admin –
Thanks Ali, most appreciated.